Check out this little fellow, the Guardian Robot, created by Ken Lim to keep a watchful eye on your Twitter feed. In the instance of a happy message it raises its arm in celebration, and in the presence of a sad message, it lowers its head in a bit of a stew. More than this, the Guardian bot encourages a certain interaction… high-five it in its happy state and it returns to being idle... hug it in its sad state and it returns to being idle as well.
This quirky little thing does retain a certain charm, and will sit on your desk alerting you of your tweets. Costing in at around £60, a relatively cheap buddy could be a welcome addition to your desk clutter! See below for a demonstration of the Guardian robot by Ken Lim.
Ken Lim's Guardian Robot from InsideGuardian on Vimeo.
I can definitely see this little man being quite popular amoungst a lot of people, especially since people cannot survive without social networking